We provided a small Happening at KOU studios in Vancouver on December 1st. / by Nathan Webster

NOW-ID provided a little happening between a Christmas dinner and a dance party on December 1st, at KOU Studios in Vancouver.

This is/was an iterative offshoot that grew out of a Canada Council of the Arts grant.

With heartfelt thanks to the @shapearch party planning posse, guest artists, the entourage and Nathan’s seasonally sultry colleagues and partners... a few stills from @conorprovenzano film recording.

Untitled (And So We Sow)

Choreographer: Charlotte Boye-Christensen

Ringmaster / Coffin / Pews: Nathan Webster

Dancers: Brian Nelson and Hannah Rice

Lighting: Jack Chipman

DJ: Jesse Walker

Pews (and Gum), thanks to Lakeview United Multicultural Church

Coffin: Thanks to @ttutheatredance

Venue: @koustudios